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Research for Reporting (205-0-70)


Claudia Kozman

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room 2-256: Tues, Su 10:00AM - 11:15AM (AST)

Overview of class

Students will understand various research methods used to collect and analyze quantitative data and qualitative information for news, with an emphasis on social science research methods. Emphasis on understanding research design, measurement and validity. Research sources include but are not limited to court and other public records, surveys and computer databases. Students will employ analytical tools and techniques to contextualize, evaluate and organize data and information using electronic spreadsheets and databases. Course emphasizes ethics in social science research, particularly data collection and analysis.

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: None

  • Open to Sophomores, Journalism majors only

  • Open for Cross-Registration

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: Registration is reserved for sophomores only Class reserved for NU Qatar JOUR students.