Spanish for Professions: Business (206-0-1)
Alba Girons-Masot
Meeting Info
Parkes Hall 212: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
Advanced Spanish course designed to give students a foundation in specialized business language and opportunities to develop their intercultural communicative competence. Students will get familiar with basic business concepts, etiquette, conventions and protocol in written and oral business scenarios. Prerequisites: SPANISH 197-0, SPANISH 200-0, SPANISH 201-0, AP score of 5, or Departmental Placement.
Registration Requirements
Prerequisites: SPANISH 197-0, SPANISH 200-0, SPANISH 201-0, AP score of 5, or Departmental Placement.
Learning Objectives
- Handle with ease and confidence communicative situations in business contexts;
- Acquire and utilize specialized vocabulary;
- Write business-related and technical documents using analytical and persuasive language, employing accurate grammar and structure;
- Make formal oral presentations on content-based material in a coherent and professional manner;
- Gain perspective of cross-cultural business practices and professional etiquette in the United States, Latin America and Spain;
- Improve critical thinking skills and analysis through research and discussion of specialized texts and resources.
Class Materials (Required)
All materials will be available on Canvas.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must currently be enrolled in or have taken and passed Spanish 197/200/201, OR have an AP score of 5, OR sufficient score on the Spanish Language Placement Exam.
Add Consent: Department Consent Required