Advanced Spanish II: Artivism in Times of Political Change (204-0-24)
Denise Bouras
3-534 Kresge
Meeting Info
Locy Hall 214: Mon, Wed, Fri 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Overview of class
This course is designed to develop all communication modes in Spanish at the advanced-low level of proficiency through the exploration, interpretation and analysis of multimodal texts centered around politically and socially engaged art. The course will explore the role that the creative arts played in the political and social sphere in 20th-century Spain and Latin America while connecting these movements to current times. Prerequisite: SPANISH 200-0, 201-0, 203-0, 207-0, Departmental Placement or AP of 5 on the Spanish Language Exam.
Registration Requirements
Prerequisite: SPANISH 197-0, 201-0, 203-0, 207-0, Departmental Placement or AP of 5 on the Spanish Language Exam.
Class Materials (Required)
Course materials available in Canvas.
Class Attributes
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Prerequisites apply, see description
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Registration for Majors and Minors in either Spanish or Portuguese until the end of preregistration, after which time enrollment will be open to everyone who has taken the prerequisite.
Prerequisite: SPANISH 197-0, SPANISH 201-0, SPANISH 203-0, SPANISH 207-0, AP score of 5, or Departmental Placement (Online Placement Test and Reassessment).