Sociological Theory (306-0-20)
Wendy N Espeland
847 467 1252
1808 Chicago Ave
Wendy Espeland is an award winning teacher who does research in the areas of politics, culture, environment, and quantification. She has written a book about the effects of rankings on higher education.
Meeting Info
Parkes Hall 214: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
The main emphasis in this course is on how sociological theory informs social research. We will read selections of classical social theory and then look at how various scholars have used that theory to help them analyze some aspect of society. We will keep moving between theoretical statements and applications or refinements of that theory. The course will be a mix of lectures and discussion.
Registration Requirements
Reserved for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors from every undergraduate school only. First year students need permission to enroll into the course.
Learning Objectives
My goal for this class is to help students become familiar with important theoretical traditions in sociology and to improve their critical reading, thinking and writing. I want them to come away with new tools for understanding their own lives and the lives of people unlike them. I want them to understand how theory informs research and how research informs theory.
Teaching Method
lecture and discussion
Evaluation Method
5 short papers and a final exam
Class Materials (Required)
This course will have required books/other materials.
Bosk, Charles. Forgive and Remember. University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 9780226066783.
Burawoy, Michael. Manufacturing Consent. University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 9780226080383.
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. Men and Women of the Corporation. Basic Books. ISBN 13: 9780465044535.
Class Notes
First year students are discouraged from taking this class. This class requires students to write a series of short papers and to keep up with reading that can be challenging.
Class Attributes
Advanced Expression
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Preregistration is reserved to Sociology Majors and Minors that are Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.