Teaching History (560-0-20)
Henri Lauziere
Harris Hall - Room 333
Meeting Info
Harris Hall room 101: Thurs 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
This seminar is designed to help graduates students prepare themselves for teaching history courses at a college level—not as T.A.s working under the guidance of someone else, but as professors responsible for every aspect of their own undergraduate classes. It will afford students the opportunity to engage with major questions that arise in teaching history, and to develop skills that they can apply later in their graduate careers or on the academic job market. Particular attention will be paid to designing syllabi whose contents serve the intended pedagogical purposes and performing the tasks of lecturing and leading seminars. Compared to other graduate seminars, this course will not be onerous: it meets only every two weeks (except at the beginning of the quarter, when we meet twice in a row on week 2 and week 3), and reading assignments are relatively short. This course is recommended for students to take in their third years.
Registration Requirements
Graduate students only.
Class Materials (Required)
Materials will be available on Canvas.