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Seminar in Historical Analysis (405-0-20)


First Books


Scott Andrew Sowerby
Harris Hall Room 207

Meeting Info

University Library 4722: Thurs 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

In this class, we will read first books by historians who have started tenure- track jobs at North American institutions over the past two decades, focusing on academic monographs published by university presses. We will analyze the structure of the books and the research underpinning them. We will ask what it is possible to accomplish in a first monograph, what distinguishes the genre from other types of history books, what the current expectations are for a first monograph in our discipline, and whether these expectations are reasonable or in need of revision.

Registration Requirements

Graduate students only.

Learning Objectives

This course seeks to reveal implicit understandings of what makes a good first monograph, in order to assist graduate students who are about to embark on a dissertation project (which may eventually become a first monograph).

Evaluation Method

Participation (20%), book review (20%), critique of fellowship proposals (10%), faculty interview (10%), final paper (40%)

Class Materials (Required)

Materials will be available on Canvas.