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Special Topics in Environmental Policy and Culture (390-0-28)


Global Indigeneity, Environmental Policy & Media R


Reynaldo Morales Cardenas

Meeting Info

McCormick Foundation Ctr 2111: Tues, Thurs 10:30AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

This course introduces students to my research about Indigenous Peoples environmental issues as a formidable new field of international environmental journalism that combines investigative and solutions journalism perspectives. The course connects issues related to American Indian Peoples to World Indigenous Peoples. We will connect treaty-based rights such as air and water quality issues, mining, land-to-trust issues, and environmental issues across the world to reflect on the consistent threats they face related to the impacts in human, environmental, cultural, and political rights. We will focus on how the media cover these issues and how that coverage contributes to the formation of public opinion and public policy. Students will read and analyze newspaper and on-line news reports and view broadcast news stories and documentaries about Native and world Indigenous Peoples environmental issues.

Class Materials (Required)

The course offers materials at no cost for students.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory
No Freshmen