Advanced Creative Cross-Genre Writing (309-0-20)
Spoken Word and the Radiophonic Imagination
John Robert Bresland
Meeting Info
University Hall 418: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
Students write and produce multiple prose and poetic works, layering spoken word with evocative sonic textures, tones, instrumentation and silence. This course places equal emphasis on literary quality, vocal performance and production value. We act as writers, performers, producers as we listen deeply into contemporary radio practice. We also encourage one another to experiment, to try weird ideas, to take risks. We will investigate what it means to write for the ear (as opposed to the page or screen), and we will learn to connect with the listener. In the process of producing multiple audio works, we will acquire numerous audio production skills. We will write frequently, speak frequently and in varied styles. We will use field mics and studio mics as we harness our unique voices and the voices of others. We will also compute a fair bit as we learn to use audio editing software to produce polished, multilayered soundscapes. By winter's end, we will be more practiced writers, more accomplished multimedia performers and producers, possess a greater number of technological skills and a greater range of artistic expression.
Class Attributes
Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENGLISH 206-0, ENGLISH 207-0, ENGLISH 208-0, or Department consent.