Reading & Writing Creative Non-Fiction (208-0-20)
Rachel Webster
Meeting Info
University Hall 318: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
An introduction to some of the many possible voices, styles, and structures of the creative essay. Students will read from the full aesthetic breadth of the essay, including memoir, meditation, lyric essay, and literary journalism. Discussions will address how the essay creates an artistic space distinct from the worlds of poetry and fiction, and how truth and fact function within creative nonfiction. Students will be asked to analyze the readings closely, and to write six short essays based on imitations of the style, structure, syntax, and narrative devices found in the readings. Students can also expect to do some brief writing exercises and at least one revision.
Registration Requirements
All students interested in the Creative Writing Major must take two introductory writing courses--poetry (ENG 206), fiction (207), or creative nonfiction (208)--before applying to the major. Be sure to enroll in 206 or 207 if you have not already done so.
No P/N registration.
Attendance of first class is mandatory.
Course especially recommended for prospective Writing Majors.
Teaching Method
Discussion; one-half to two-thirds of the classes will be devoted to discussion of readings and principles, the other classes to discussion of student work.
Class Attributes
Attendance at 1st class mandatory