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First-Year Writing Seminar (105-8-23)


Eco-fiction and Human Metamorphosis


Kathleen Carmichael
555 Clark, Room 239
Office Hours: By appointment

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 314: Mon, Wed 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

We are all familiar with public discourse about environmental concerns: Descriptions of a future where familiar landscapes have been transformed into alien vistas, newly dangerous and hostile to human life. Recent eco-fiction, however, challenges that familiar narrative, proposing ways that we humans may find ourselves transfigured along with the world around us. In this class we will engage with accounts of such human metamorphosis, considering the children's stories of Dr. Seuss, the hyper-empathy of Octavia Butler, the "new weird" landscapes of Jeff Vandermeer's Area X and a selection of other short works. Film viewings will include Pixar's 2008 Wall-E and other films (TBA). Course readings/viewing will include brief readings from literary criticism. We will also consider practical topics such as how University library resources and experts can help students locate and evaluate key sources and develop authoritative arguments. This course will use a traditional grading structure. Content warning: Some readings and viewings include references to sexual violence, self-harm, torture, and suicide.

Class Materials (Required)


Class Attributes

WCAS Writing Seminar