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Writing and Speaking in Business (282-0-23)


Michele Zugnoni

Meeting Info

University Library 3322: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Across all industries, employers consistently rank written and oral communication in the top five skills that a new employee needs. However, employers also say that students overestimate their ability to communicate effectively in a workplace context. English 282 is designed to address that gap. The course is designed to help you think strategically about communication, make effective communication decisions, and produce writing and presentations that are well-organized, clear, and compelling. In addition, course assignments provide an opportunity to enhance your critical reading and thinking; your ability to communicate effectively about data; your understanding of visual communication; and your understanding of interpersonal communication. There will be no final exam. However, students must be present on the final day of class for team-based presentations.

Class Materials (Suggested)

Recommended textbook: Business Communication, Polishing Your Professional Presence by Barbara Shwom and Lisa Gueldenzoph Snyder, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-474085-0, 4th Edition

Class Attributes

No Freshmen

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Freshmen may not register for this course.