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Labor Economics (339-0-20)


Jeffrey Thomas Lewis

Meeting Info

Harris Hall L07: Mon, Wed, Fri 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Labor economics studies how labor markets work. We will cover anti-poverty programs, the minimum wage, immigration, the returns to education, earnings inequality, and labor market discrimination among other topics.

Registration Requirements

ECON 281-0, ECON 310-1, ECON 310-2, ECON 311-0

Class Materials (Suggested)

Labor Economics (9th Edition) by George J. Borjas (ISBN- 9781264201419)

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Students must have taken ECON 310-1 or MMSS 211-1 and ECON 281 or ECON 381-1 or MATH 386-1 or IEMS 304 or STAT 350 to successfully enroll in this course.