Economic History of the United States 1865 to Present (323-2-20)
Jesse Reid McDevitt-Irwin
Meeting Info
2122 Sheridan Rd Classroom 250: Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
In 1860, the population of the US was 30 million; by 2010 it was over 300 million. US families in 1860 had an average of 5 children; by 1940 that number was 2. In 1900, 1-in-5 people died before age 5; by 1980, that number was less than 1-in-50. How did these changes occur? How do we measure them? How did these changes affect US society? In this course, we will examine the demographic history of the US from after the Civil War to the mid 20th century. Students will learn core demographic concepts and measures, like fertility and mortality rates. They will explore the demographic patterns and changes in the United States. They will examine leading theories for fertility and mortality decline and explore the role of immigration in US history. Students will learn to analyze publicly available census microdata from IPUMS, culminating in an independent research project.
Registration Requirements
ECON 281-0, ECON 310-1, ECON 311-0
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students will: (1) Understand and use the core toolbox of demography, including population pyramids, fertility and mortality measures, and period and cohort analysis; (2) Be familiar with the main empirical patterns of fertility and mortality in the US from after the Civil War to the mid 20th century; (3) Be familiar with the main theoretical explanations for historical declines in fertility and mortality (demographic transition theory); (4) Be able to access and analyze US census microdata from IPUMS.
Evaluation Method
Assignments (40%), Essay-based Midterm exam (30%), Independent IPUMS project (20%), Participation (10%)
Class Materials (Required)
Assignments will require the use of R.
Class Materials (Suggested)
Class Notes
Assignments will require use of R, but no prior knowledge will be assumed. The TA will use the discussion section to help students work on IPUMS data with R.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Students must have taken ECON 310-1 or MMSS 211-1 and ECON 281 or ECON 381-1 or MATH 386-1 or IEMS 304 or STAT 350 to successfully enroll in this course.
Associated Classes
DIS - 2122 Sheridan Rd Classroom 250: Fri 4:00PM - 4:50PM