Special Topics in Earth and Planetary Science (390-0-10)
Stable Isotope Methods
Wesley Scott
Meeting Info
Technological Institute F389: Mon 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
This class will include chemical and analytical techniques for stable isotope analysis of a variety of matrices and organic compounds. This will include hands-on laboratory experiments as well as some theoretical considerations. Extraction, chromatography, mass spectrometry, elemental analysis, data processing, and other common techniques in organic and inorganic chemistry will be discussed.
Registration Requirements
Concurrent or previous registration in EARTH 312, or permission of the instructor.
Class Materials (Required)
Each student should bring a laptop to class equipped with Microsoft Excel and Word. Accommodation can be made for students to use computers in the department computer lab if needed. The textbook required for this course is Principles of Stable Isotope Geochemistry by Zach Sharp, which can be found as a free PDF at https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/unm_oer/1/.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in EARTH 312-0 to enroll in this class.