Sedimentary Geology (330-0-01)
Bradley B Sageman
Meeting Info
Technological Institute F285: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
Review of description and classification of sedimentary rocks; principles of stratigraphy and sedimentology; methods of local, regional and global correlation; interpretation of ancient depositional systems (facies analysis); cyclostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy in the context of tectonic, eustatic, and climatic controls on deposition; tectonics and basin analysis.
Registration Requirements
Recommended Background: EARTH 201 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
Learning Objectives
Students will learn about the origin, modification, and significance of sedimentary rocks; relate the different rock types to their specific depositional environments (Facies Models); understand key controls on sedimentary environments (e.g., sea level, sediment supply, subsidence); and learn the fundamental principles governing sedimentary deposition (e.g., superposition, Walther's Law, etc.).
Teaching Method
Three hours/week of lecture that reviews and expands on reading and homework assignments.
A weekly lab period will be devoted to opportunities for physical examination of major lithotypes (hand samples and thin sections), as well as sedimentary and biogenic structures used in facies analysis (two formal meetings); and for office hours and discussion sessions through the remainder of the quarter (attendance optional).
Evaluation Method
Weekly home work assignments; two exams.
Class Materials (Required)
G. Nichols, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 978-1-4051-3592-4 (approx. $110 to purchase new, $50 to rent)
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have completed EARTH 201 or ENVR_SCI 201 to enroll in this course.
Associated Classes
LAB - Technological Institute F391: Fri 12:00PM - 1:50PM