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Earth and Planetary Materials (300-0-01)


Steven Jacobsen
Tech F297
Office Hours: by appointment

Meeting Info

Technological Institute F285: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

The Earth and planets are composed of minerals, rocks, melts, and fluids. The study of Earth materials is fundamental to Earth and environmental sciences and deals with formation, stability, environments, and properties of materials that control large-scale processes from weathering to earthquakes. The physical properties of Earth materials are largely controlled by bonding and crystal structure. This course begins with an atomistic approach to understanding mineral properties, but also extends physical properties and mineral stability to the larger geological and planetary scales. The properties of minerals also dictate how we use them for societal applications, ranging from raw materials to chemical filters and energy sources and storage materials. Mineralogy is the application of physics, chemistry, and biology to natural materials, and this course emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of mineralogy. Students will gain skills in learning to identify the major rock-forming minerals in hand-specimen and in the optical microscope. Students will apply analytical techniques including X-ray diffraction and optical spectroscopy to quantitative analysis of minerals.

Registration Requirements

Recommended Background: At least one course in each of chemistry, physics, and math.

Learning Objectives

Skills: Students will become proficient with optical microscopes, learn to identify about 50 of the most important rock-forming minerals in hand specimen and under the optical microscope, use computer software to visualize crystal structures, and use a Raman spectrometer and X-ray diffractometer in the Mineral Physics Laboratory during hands-on laboratory exercises.

Teaching Method

Lectures and one 2-hour lab.

Evaluation Method

Midterm exam, final exam, laboratory assignments, homework, and final presentation.

Class Materials (Required)

Free online mineralogy textbook located here:

Class Attributes

Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline
Natural Sciences Distro Area
SDG Responsible Consumption

Associated Classes

LAB - Technological Institute F391: Wed 11:00AM - 12:50PM

LAB - Technological Institute F391: Wed 2:00PM - 3:50PM