Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (435-0-01)
Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy
Bryan M Hunter
Meeting Info
Technological Institute L158: Tues, Thurs 5:00PM - 6:20PM
Overview of class
Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy: This course is a survey of the electronic structures and spectroscopies of transition metal complexes. Beginning with ligand field theory, we will turn our attention to the assembly of molecular orbital diagrams to describe structure and bonding. Historical and modern methods of electronic spectroscopy will be discussed in the context of the primary sources in the literature. Topics may include electronic transitions (light-driven or otherwise), vibronic coupling, and magnetism.
Class Materials (Required)
Title: Symmetry and Spectroscopy : An Introduction to Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy
Author: Harris and Bertolucci
ISBN: 9780486661445
Approx. Price: $35 (new), $7 (used rental)