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Graduate Topics in African American Studies (480-0-21)


Black Futures and Technology


Sylvester Alric Johnson
5-128 Crowe, 1860 Campus Dr
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and by appontment

Meeting Info

University Library 3622: Tues 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

This graduate seminar in Black Studies is a transdisciplinary exploration of new and emerging technologies and their pivotal intersection with racial systems of power, disparity, and ethics in the context of democracy, colonialism, and public interest. Through rigorous analysis of race, futurity, and technology, students will examine the social, ethical, and geopolitical dimensions of Artificial Intelligence, genomics, precision medicine, AI weaponization, climate and environmental justice, and the geopolitics of technology, particularly as they relate to pan-Africanism and global Black communities. By engaging with theoretical frameworks and critical case studies from fields such as science and technology studies, critical race theory, and ethics, students will not only critique technological practices but will also explore the solution space for addressing complex societal challenges. This course invites students to imagine democratic futures that prioritize equity and social justice in an increasingly technology-driven world.

Learning Objectives

• Analyze racial dimensions of new and emerging forms of technology
• Evaluation ethical implications of key areas such as AI and genomics
• Understand and utilize transdisciplinary approaches to race, futurity, and technology
• Understand and assess the racial aspects of technology in key sectors such as health, defense, politics, and the knowledge industry
• Assess geopolitical impact of technology within the current context of Pan-Africanism
• Propose solutions to socio-technical inequities
• Communicate technological justice frameworks
• Design inclusive technological futures

Class Materials (Required)

Benjamin, Ruha, Race After Technology, 978-1509526406
Brock, Andre, Distributed Blackness, 978-1479829965
Brown, Adrienne, Emergent Strategy, 978-1849352604
Butler, Octavia, Lilith's Brood, 978-9124217907
McIlwain, Charlton, Black Software, 978-0190863845
Nelson, Alondra, Social Life of DNA
Noble, Safiya, Algorithms of Oppression