Introduction to Theatreical Contexts and Research (160-2-20)
Theatre and the Digital
Leana Martine Sottile
Meeting Info
Wirtz 240 Seminar Room 2: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
'Theatre and the Digital' is a first-year theatre course that focuses on how theatre interacts with digital technology by examining plays, musicals, and hybridized performance forms. As we see an increasing consolidation of the power of intellectual property, new points of entry and access, and demands of an economy of both experience and attention, an expansion of interactive and immersive experiences, and more, thinking about how theatre reflects on and adapts to the digital becomes increasingly important to scholars and practitioners. The course will introduce students to how contemporary theatre uses current technology as a source of narrative drive, a means to host their performances, or market unique experiences to potential consumers. Students will read and analyze a variety of performances based on scripts and available audiovisual media. Course topics will include Dave Malloy's Octet, Mike Lew's Teenage Dick, Ratatouille: The TikTok Musical, and more!"
Like all 160-2 classes, this class equips students with critical modes of thinking about theatre as an academic discipline and practice. It features a range of analytical skills and critical approaches for play and performance analysis, incorporating aspects of theatre history, historiography, and performance theory. Through class discussions, readings, study of plays and performances, creative responses, and written assignments students will develop their analytical skills and learn to craft research papers in a guided process.
Class Materials (Required)
Required Materials/Readings will be available on Canvas in PDF form, or YouTube/Spotify links etc. will be provided.
No cost
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for Theatre Majors only.