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Experimental Media Production (394-0-20)


Debra K Tolchinsky

Meeting Info

Annie May Swift Hall 109: Thurs 3:00PM - 5:50PM

Overview of class

What is experimental? What does it mean to divert from mainstream media-making? Does new technology or the deviation from traditional narrative automatically signify experimental? Does the concept have a different meaning historically, personally, financially, and culturally? Given how radical artistic movements are immediately absorbed, is it even possible to be experimental? Ultimately, does being "experimental" matter? In this course, students will answer by creating their own experimental work (two short projects). Your projects may be linear, interactive, web-based, installation-based, game-based, or multi-disciplinary. We'll view various possibilities regarding materials/technology, authorship, working methods, exhibition, distribution, and intent. The emphasis will be on watching and critiquing what students generate and discussing examples from past, present, and emerging practices.

Registration Requirements

Pre-req 190

Class Materials (Required)

• Whatever materials you choose for creating your projects (cost variable), • All reading material will be posted on Canvas or handed out in class. • All media projects must be backed up on a hard drive (approximately 60 to 130 dollars for 1TB, depending on the brand) and turned in via a private password-protected downloadable link like Vimeo. (Vimeo starter membership is currently $7 per month billed annually).

Class Notes

• Attendance at the first class is required unless cleared in advance.
• As the focus will be on the aesthetic/conceptual rather than the acquisition of a particular technological skill, students are expected to come in with a working knowledge of the equipment/software they intend to use.
• Students must strictly adhere to the RTVF Production Handbook:
• Collaborative final projects are allowed/encouraged (two people max).
• You can visit me during office hours to chat. You do not need to have a specific question or be experiencing difficulties with the class material. I enjoy getting to know my students.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Students must have completed RTVF 190-0 in order to register for this course (concurrent registration is not allowed) or be a student in Writing: MFA or Documentary Media: MFA programs