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Topics in Film/Video/Audio Production (379-0-21)


Showrunners as Creative Producers: Who’s Running t


Felicia Denise Henderson

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 214: Wed 4:00PM - 6:50PM

Overview of class

This course will provide students with a working knowledge of the fundamentals of screenwriting. Students will learn how core concepts of character, structure, plot, theme, setting, and tone work together on the written page to create a compelling narrative. Students will explore these concepts and their practice in film, by writing the first 30 pages of a full-length screenplay. This exploration may also assist students with understanding the basic structure of television dramas, and discovering how to communicate their own personal voice and vision.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Students must have completed RTVF 190-0 in order to register for this course (concurrent registration is not allowed) or be a student in Writing: MFA or Documentary Media: MFA programs