Anatomy and Physiology of the Central Hearing Mechanism (422-0-20)
Adrian Rodriguez Contreras
Meeting Info
Frances Searle Building 2407: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
Neuroanatomical and neurophysiological aspects of the central auditory pathway.
Learning Objectives
Course learning objectives are linked to specific Knowledge and Skills Acquisition (KASA) competencies in the summary table below. At the conclusion of this class, students who read the required materials, attend lectures, complete assignments, and study for examinations will be able to: In addition, this course satisfies the following ACAE standards: Course Objective Assessment Assessment Criteria KASA/ACEA Standards To describe the anatomy and physiology of the ascending auditory brainstem, thalamus and cortex Exams and Assignments 90% of students will achieve a "B" or better on related test questions A1, C9 / F1, F2 To explain binaural hearing and sound localization properties Exams and Assignment s90% of students will achieve a "B" or better on related test questions A1 / F1, F2 Apply knowledge of brainstem reflexes and its relationship to clinical audiology Exams and Assignments 90% of students will achieve a "B" or better on related test questions A1, C7, C9 To understand the role of the descending auditory pathway Exams and Assignments 90% of students will achieve a "B" or better on related test questions A1 / F1, F2
Evaluation Method
Attendance is required at all lectures. When possible, students should notify the instructor in advance if they are unable to attend a lecture. If missing a lecture is unavoidable, students will be responsible for all information that is missed. If an absence occurs on the day of an exam, a make-up exam will only be given if the instructor is notified two weeks prior to the absence. If an absence is due to a mandated religious observance, students must notify the instructor within the first two weeks of the quarter. Activity Point Contribution Exam 1+Assignment 100 Exam 2+Assignment 100 Exam 3+Assignment 100 Final Exam 150
Class Materials (Required)
Optional: The Central Auditory System (1997). Eds: Ehret G., and Romand, R. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195096843, 9780195096842. Other supplemental reading material will be distributed to students via NU Canvas class website per the students request. Selected readings are taken from (1) Pickles, An Introduction to the Physiology of Hearing (2) Kandel et al., Principles of Neural Science (3) Moller, Hearing (4) Musiek and Baran, The Auditory System (5) Rousseau & Branski, Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing. (6) LaPointe (Editor) Atlas of Neuroanatomy for Communication Science and Disorders.
Materials are posted on Canvas
Class Materials (Suggested)
Color pencils/crayons, sketch paper
Class Notes
Comprehensive course that will cover neuroanatomical and neurophysiological aspects of the central auditory pathway and its relationship to functional hearing and when applicable, clinical testing.