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Early Communication Intervention With Infants and Toddlers (339-0-1)


Katherine Elise Meyer

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 2370: Tues 6:00PM - 9:00PM

Overview of class

Models of service systems, current practices in early intervention, legislation, infant development processes, and risk factors. Emphasis on individual family service planning, assessment, and intervention.

Learning Objectives

1. Explain family systems theory - how the young child with disabilities affects and is affected by parents, siblings, the extended family, and the community.
2. Use family theories and principles to guide professional practice, respecting family choices and goals.
3. Establish and maintain positive collaborative relationships with families.
4. Explain to parents of children the nature of child development and sequences of skill acquisition.
5. Use intervention strategies with young children with disabilities and their families that affirm and respect family, cultural, and linguistic diversity.
6. Assist families in identifying their concerns, resources, and priorities for purposes of assessment.
7. Participate and collaborate as a team member with other professionals in conducting family-centered assessments.
8. Communicate effectively with the family about their child's progress.
9. Report assessment results in a manner that the family and other professionals understand and that supports the child and family.

Evaluation Method

Course Requirements: Attendance is mandatory in any graduate level course. Grades are based on completion of weekly labs, and participation in class discussions. Late assignments will not be accepted, and will receive a grade of "0" unless there was prior approval.
Grades are assigned based on the following components:
1. Didactic Attendance and Participation
2. Labs
3. Early Intervention Resource Book

Class Materials (Required)

· Book

o Fadiman, A. (1997). The spirit catches you and you fall down: A Hmong child, her American doctors, and the collision of two cultures. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
§ Price: $9.99 (Amazon)
§ ISBN-13: 978-0374533403

· Laptop

Materials are posted on Canvas
Students are encouraged to consult alternate vendors (Amazon, book rentals, etc.)

Class Materials (Suggested)

Readings for the class are listed on Canvas.

Class Notes

Provides information on issues and practices related to early intervention and working with families who have children with special needs. Provides strategies for: (a) assessing communication in natural environments, (b) supporting language during routines, (c) communicating and collaborating effectively with parents. Topics include family and professional relationships, models of working with families, service coordination, family assessment and the Individual Family Service Plans, promoting family participation, coaching, media and technology and cultural considerations.