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Topics in Communication Studies (295-0-1)


Going Viral: The Powers and Perils of Digital Cult


Sulafa S Zidani

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 1483: Thurs 1:30PM - 4:20PM

Overview of class

In today's digital culture, going viral on social media is commonly associated with success. However, the phenomenon of virality reveals a complex interplay between visibility and power. This class examines issues related to media virality and power, with an emphasis on understanding the advantages and drawbacks of visibility in contemporary media landscapes.

It offers an opportunity to dig into tensions in the areas of media, culture, representation, and online communication. Students will learn to differentiate between key media concepts related to virality, like: memes, visibility, and attention. They will practice analyzing and critiquing the intertwined relationship between media engagement and economic and sociopolitical dynamics.

Readings will touch on contemporary topics like: virality and activism, representation and social justice, and the economies of visibility and attention. Through this class, students will develop and refine their critical thinking, verbal, and writing skills in an interactive and collective learning environment.