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Computing Everywhere (159-0-20)


Jeremy P Birnholtz

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 3-410: Tues 6:30PM - 8:30PM

Overview of class

Computing Everywhere is a zero-credit seminar with 5 evening workshops aimed at all NU students without a technical background.

Wait, zero credits? Right. It'll show up as a class on your transcript and you'll be graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis based on your attendance. No graded homework or exams. Show up and participate, and you'll get a 'satisfactory'.

The preliminary schedule of spring topics includes topics such musical interface design, wearable devices for sports activities, algorithmic content creation, and machine learning in healthcare.

It's really just 5 weeks? Yup, the course will meet once per week, for 2 hours per session during the first 5 weeks of the quarter. Then it's done and you'll have more time for midterms and projects and whatever else comes up. That's it!

Do I need to be a programmer? No. If you can write code, you know too much for this course. It's designed for beginners.

Will I become a programmer? Probably not after just this seminar, but you'll be in great shape to start learning to code on your own or take more courses!

Class Materials (Required)

No textbook required.