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Educating Exceptional Children (327-0-20)


Janis E Morgan

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall 345: Tues 6:00PM - 8:50PM

Overview of class

In this course we explore multiple major theories of typical cognitive and affective development, and their concomitant approaches to understanding and managing neurodiversity in the inclusive classroom. The focus is on integrating across theoretical frameworks in order to maximize classroom support and minimize the need for individual differentiation for students struggling with physical, academic or emotional challenges, including learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, attention deficit disorder, and autism spectrum disorder. Theoretical concepts are introduced in both readings and lecture. Teamwork exercises designed to promote research and theory-based practice provide students with opportunities to analyze increasingly complex case studies, while developing skills in educational leadership, collegial collaboration and student advocacy.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-Registration -- Reserved for SESP Students until the end of preregistration, after which time enrollment will be open to everyone who has taken the prerequisites, if applicable.