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Budgeting and Finance in Higher Education (466-0-20)


Andrea Conklin Bueschel

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall G02: Wed 6:00PM - 9:00PM

Overview of class

This course will cover major elements of budgeting and finance in higher education. It is designed to comprehensively address the budget process in colleges and universities, as well as the impact of budget activities on all areas of planning and operations within an institution. Both basic and advanced elements of college/university finance will be addressed, with a primary focus on process elements, budgetary strategies, and environmental factors that affect how colleges/universities operate by institutional type. Students will develop and enhance their abilities to effectively write and speak about budget and finance related issues. In summary, this course will offer students a pragmatic overview of budgeting and financial issues in higher education.

Class Materials (Required)

All materials to be provided by instructor.

Class Attributes

Department Majors Only

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for MS_HE Only