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Topics in Teaching and Learning (451-0-23)


Peace Education: Theory & Practice of Nonviolence


Elizabeth Rose Shulman

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall G22: Wed 6:00PM - 9:00PM

Overview of class

Peace Education: Theory and Practice of Non-Violence
This class examines the different ways in which one can integrate a peace curriculum into a content-specific course while also providing a history and context to the theory of peace education as an interdisciplinary field. Students will discuss what movements and structures contribute to—or take away from—a just peace while discussing how nonviolence is an active rather than passive form of engagement. How can we broaden our imaginations and find creative ways to develop ourselves and our students when in conflict? How can we apply these skills to classroom environments where students carry a multitude of life experiences with them that are constantly changing? We will study different kinds of structural and systemic movements for peace, nonviolence, and equity, and apply them to school contexts and specific content areas. The course will also
provide opportunities for students to examine their personal role in nonviolent modes of expression, and to integrate these ideas into curriculum building, in order to build a more cohesive culture and community in their classrooms throughout the school year.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory