Topics in Teaching and Learning (451-0-21)
Computer Science Education
Michael Stephen Horn
Paula Kay Hooper
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G02: Mon 6:30PM - 9:20PM
Overview of class
Transformative Computer Science Education
In this course we will examine the role of computational tools in the design of
transformative teaching and learning environments. Grounded in perspectives from the
Learning Sciences and Computer Science Education, we will cover topics of equity and
inclusion, pedagogy, creative applications of computing, and the integration of
computational ideas across multiple disciplines. We have cross-listed the course in
Computer Science, Learning Sciences, and Teacher Education in order to foster cross-
disciplinary dialogues that consider the affordances of computational ideas for designing
learning environments that are asset-based and supportive of multiple routes to
understanding various subject-matter. The course will include an optional practicum
experience working in a K-12 classroom, informal learning space, or college-level