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Class Composition (211-0-1)


Pedram Diba

Meeting Info

RCMA Lower Level 113: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

This course welcomes anyone curious about composition, songwriting, and music production. Students will explore a variety of topics and participate in listening activities aimed at sparking creativity and connecting them with their musical ideas. Along the way, they will gain hands-on experience through various exercises designed to develop their skills for the realization of their final projects, for which they are expected to write and perform or record an original piece of music in any style. The final work can be created for a conventional instrument, an object used as an instrument, or it can be an electronic composition.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, students are expected to have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of composition and be able to use their compositional, analytical, and listening skills to effectively realize their musical ideas.

Teaching Method

The course follows a weekly structure where students are introduced to new tools and concepts at the beginning of each week. These sessions are supplemented with discussions and listening activities designed to enhance their understanding of the compositional concepts. At the end of each week, students will be given an assignment that they must prepare for the following class.

For the final project, students have the flexibility to work either independently or collaboratively. Those who choose to collaborate will have the opportunity to write pieces for each other and either perform/record each other's works.

Evaluation Method

The final grade will be based on the final project, assignments, and class participation.

Class Materials (Required)

A computer capable of running DAW and/or notation software.

Class Materials (Suggested)

No prior knowledge of composition or music theory is required, though familiarity with a DAW, notation software, or an instrument is recommended. Students should come prepared to collaborate, share their work, and offer constructive feedback to their peers.