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Percussion Class (239-0-1)


David Fodor
Office Hours: By Appointment

Meeting Info

Regenstein Hall of Music 011: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:20PM

Overview of class

The purpose of this course is to prepare you to teach percussion in the public schools. Topics include:
Snare Drum; Timpani, mallet, and auxiliary instrument performance and pedagogy techniques.

Learning Objectives

As a result of taking this class you should be able to:
• teach percussion to beginners through high school level students.
• diagnose and fix technique problems that your percussion students may have.
• Demonstrate how to play a wide variety of percussion instruments with good tone and technique so that you can model for your students.
• list and identify the standard texts and methods available for teaching concert percussion instruments and drum set.
• Understand the proper care and maintenance of percussion instruments.
• manage all aspects of a percussion section in the rehearsal/performance environment of a school setting, including inventory, purchase, and storage of equipment.
• recognize challenges that composers may pose to percussionists.
• analyze and prepare a part for rehearsal and performance.
• pass the music education department proficiency requirements.

Teaching Method

This is a hands-on methods class, with students engaging in performance and teaching experiences. Each student will be issued a percussion kit and mallets to use for the quarter.

Evaluation Method

Students will be evaluated in the following areas, utilizing the NU grading scale:
• Class Participation - 20%
• Binder Organization* - 10%
• Assignments - 30%
• Midterm Exam - 20%
• Final Exam - 20%

Class Materials (Required)

Percussion Methods: An Essential Resource for Educators, Conductors, and Students - Stephen Primatic (9781574633795) $29.95 new)

Percussion Equipment Kit (bells, practice pad, & stand) - Available from Band Office for no fee

Sticks & Mallets - 1 pr. Vic Firth - SDl "general" snare drumsticks, 1 pr. Vic Firth - Tl American Custom Timpani Mallets, 1 pr. Malletech Bob Becker BB34 Medium Rattan Xylo/Bell Mallets "Becker Blues" - sypplied with percussion kit

Class Materials (Suggested)

3-ring Binder with Dividers - There will be paper handouts passed out for class. A binder should be used to catalogue all notes, supplemental readings, and handouts. Students are expected to bring the practice pad, sticks, and percussion handbook to every class.


Class Notes

All information is available on the Canvas Class Page.