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Selected Topics in Music Literature for Non-Majors (175-0-1)


Women, Religion, and Music


Vivian Teresa Tompkins

Meeting Info

RCMA 1-172: Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

This class explores the intersection of gender, spirituality, and music, focusing on how musical practices shape concepts of womanhood and femininity in a variety of religious traditions. We will explore the relationship of music and female identity within Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Yoruba religious traditions, Indigenous American religious traditions, and Vodou. In these religious contexts, we will analyze disparate concepts of femininity and music as cultural constructs that enable different types of relationships between human and divine beings. Assessments include class discussions, weekly listening journals, an oral presentation, a written reflection on a religious-musical event, and a final project. Previous experience in music, gender studies, or religious studies is not required, but familiarity with one or more of these areas will be helpful.

Class Materials (Required)

There is no required textbook. Readings and other supplemental materials will be available on Canvas.

Class Notes

Students will be expected to attend at least one religious-musical event (e.g., a religious ceremony, service, or other event with music) during the quarter. Such events usually do not require a paid ticket, but some might, and students will also need to arrange their own transportation to and from the event.

Class Attributes

Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area