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Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (395-0-27)


Industry 4.0 Manufacturing


Ping Guo
Technological Institute, Rm L286, 2145 Sheridan Rd, EV CAMPUS

Meeting Info

Technological Institute A110: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Industry 4.0 Manufacturing
From the first industrial revolution signaled by the invention of steam power to the mass production in the second, the current manufacturing industry is moving from the third industrial revolution of the computers and automation to the fourth where the automation becomes even smarter fueled by data analytics and artificial intelligence. In this undergraduate/graduate level course, students will get familiar with the enabling technologies in this new manufacturing paradigm where everything is connected in a data-rich environment. Topics include:
• Industrial Internet of Things
• Cloud Manufacturing,
• Digital Twin
• Cybersecurity
• Virtual/Augmented Reality
• Big Data and Analytics
• Autonomous Robots.
Students will also work on team projects to develop solutions in one of the covered topics.

Registration Requirements

ME340-1: Computer Integrated Manufacturing I: Manufacturing Processes or permission of instructor