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Special Topics (395-0-4)


Strategies for Financing New Ventures


Rishi Taparia

Leonard Lee

Meeting Info

Meets in Non-General PurposeRm: Thurs 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

This survey-style course introduces students to some of the most common ways that entrepreneurs secure funding for new ventures. Students will be exposed to a variety of funding strategies and approaches, including venture capital, crowdfunding, and bootstrapping, and will also learn about the history of Silicon Valley's unique investment landscape. Course readings and discussions will be supplemented with guest talks from investors and founders, as well as field trips to relevant sites in the Bay Area. This course is taught at 44 Montgomery in San Francisco as a part of the Farley Bay Area Quarter program and is only available to students admitted to the Farley BAQ program.

Class Materials (Required)

All class materials will be available on Canvas at NO cost to the student