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NUvention: Media (473-1-1)


Lawrence Birnbaum

Jeremy Gilbert

Meeting Info

Garage Workspace Classroom 1: Thurs 12:30PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

NUvention: Media (ENTREP 473, JOUR 390, JOUR 435) is a reinvention of the course and brings together students from across Northwestern schools to explore how artificial intelligence and computational technologies more broadly will shape the future of media, and who want to learn a process for creating new, AI-powered ventures in the media industry. Over the quarter, student teams use human-centered design methods to identify an opportunity gap, design interaction and presentation models, build functioning prototypes that fill those needs, and develop a compelling pitch and business plan to launch and sustain their product/service. Along the way, students will learn a process of innovation and venture development. Students will interact with industry veterans and domain experts who inspire and guide the student team as they pursue their projects.

Students taking this course for credit in Computer Science will be expected to contribute to the design and evaluation of interfaces and interactions and the development of functional and technical architectures and functioning prototypes.

Registration Requirements

An Application is required for this class.

Class Materials (Required)

No required materials