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201-0 Engineering Possibilities: Decision Science in the Age of Smart Technologies

216-0 Mechanics of Materials I

280-2 Architectural Engineering & Design Seminar II

301-1 Professional Development Seminar I

301-2 Professional Development Seminar II

309-0 Climate and Energy - Law and Policy

314-0 Organic Geochemistry

320-0 Structural Analysis--Dynamics

321-0 Concrete Properties

325-0 Reinforced Concrete

336-10 Project Scheduling

346-0 Ecohydrology

352-0 Foundation Engineering

361-2 Public & Environmental Health

364-0 Sustainable Water Systems

365-0 Environmental Laboratory

366-0 Dynamics in Chemical Transport and Reaction

382-1 Capstone Design I

  • 1: Capstone Design I - Kimberly Gray - Tom Mozina - Neil Reindel - Eric Vincent Garcia - Mon, Wed, Fri 3:00PM - 3:50PM

385-2 Architectural Engineering & Design 2: Intermediate

395-0 Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engrg

424-0 Stability of Structures

426-1 Advanced Finite Element Methods 1

448-0 Computational Chemodynamics

454-0 Constitutive Models for Soils

471-1 Transportation Systems Analysis 1

472-2 Transportation System Operations and Control 2: Scheduled Modes and Real-Time

480-1 Travel Demand Analysis & Forecasting 1

483-0 Infrastructure Systems Analysis

495-0 Selected Topics in Civil Engineering

508-0 M.S. Research Paper for non-thesis option

512-2 Structural Engineering & Mechanics Sem

515-1 Geotechnics Seminar

516-2 Seminar in Environmental Engineering and Science

517-2 Seminar in Transportation Engineering