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Food and Society: An Introduction (211-0-20)


Miri Eliyahu
Social scientist, and a senior market research analyst for a leading global firm. I specialize in Economic sociology, food sociology and consumerism. My teaching philosophy is that learning should be a positive and rewarding experience, and that classes should be engaging and interesting.

Meeting Info

Lutkin Hall: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

What makes food social? How does society shape our relationship with food? These are questions at the center of this course. During the span of this quarter, we will learn about the role of food in society, how social norms as well as industry and policy impact our view of food and review the following topic within food and society: Food inequality, food and sustainability, our current food and agricultural industry and the challenges of food in the US. We will do so by employing a sociological perspective to food that will help is critically engage with something we do every day - preparing and eating food. This is an introductory level class and does not require prior knowledge in sociology or in knowledge production. By the end of the quarter students will view food as a social and community construct that impacts our lives, well-being, and society.

This course is taught with ENVR_POL 211.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the quarter students are expected to: 1. Become familiar with sociological perspectives on food and present an in depth understating of the course materials. 2. Develop critical analytical skills and apply them to food related topics inside and outside of the classroom. 3. Synthesize course materials in a coherent manner and develop their own arguments regarding food and society.

Teaching Method

The course will be a combination of lectures, class discussion and group work

Evaluation Method

40%: Individual weekly assignments: students are expected to submit a comment, question, or a relevant news article, podcast, or social media post/video to the discussion boards on Canvas. 10%: Attendance: Attendance will be taken through an in-class survey every lecture, that is not directly related to the readings. 25%: Midterm exam: the midterm will include three sections: definitions, short essay questions and a long essay question. All of which will be with multiple options to choose from. 25%: Final exam: The Final exam will include three sections: definitions, short essay questions and a long essay question. All of which will be with multiple options to choose from.

Class Materials (Required)

This course will have required books/other materials.

Hungry; Avocado toast, Instagram Influencers, and our search for connection and meaning / Eve Turow-Paul. ISBN: 978-1-948836-97-552495

Class Attributes

Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area