Research: Second Year Paper (490-0-20)
Julia Behrman
Julia Behrman is a sociologist whose work explores how and why the institution of the family is changing around the world. She is particularly interested in the implications of family change for the perpetuation of disadvantage both between and within families. Her work focuses on several key questions including: How are families changing around the world with respect to marriage and family formation, fertility, employment and power dynamics in the household? What are the drivers of global family change (with focus on educational expansion, employment, immigration, and natural disaster and climatic shocks)? What are the consequences of global family change for power dynamics within the family?
Meeting Info
Parkes Hall 222: Wed 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
This course guides second year Ph.D. students in the Sociology department in preparing a draft of their second year paper. A series of exercises leads in incremental steps to a full draft, and feedback is provided from the professor as well as from other students.
Only 2nd-year Ph.D. students in the Sociology department may register.
Registration Requirements
Only 2nd-year Ph.D. students in the Sociology department may register.
Learning Objectives
Students will be expected to have a draft of their second year paper by the end of the course.
Class Materials (Required)
All materials for this course will be made available on Canvas - no purchase necessary.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Sociology/MORS PhD Students