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Advanced Seminar in Personality, Clinical, or Social Psychology (390-0-1)


Child Maltreatment


Alissa Levy Chung

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall G32: Mon, Wed 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

In this class, we will learn about child maltreatment and the context in which it occurs. We will consider the risk factors associated with child maltreatment from the macrosystem to the microsystem (cultural factors, historical factors, social policy, to the proximal issues that inform caregiving). We will examine the consequences of maltreatment across developmental domains and over time. Finally, we will look at prevention and intervention, taking on both clinical and policy lenses. The class will build upon Psych 205, so you will need a reasonable command of research methods to read the assigned articles and to write your research proposal.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: Psych 205 - Research Methods (required)

Teaching Method

The course will include lectures, discussions, and case studies. It is predominantly a research-focused class, but we will also look at clinical or applied issues, using the science to inform our understanding of the individual. Discussions will be based on the readings, so it is expected that students will complete readings before class.

Evaluation Method

Evaluation will be based on: 1) an analysis of a 4-6 page case study/movie discussing a character with a maltreatment experience and whether or not that character is portrayed to be consistent with research findings (30%), 2) a 4-6 page policy paper on maltreatment prevention in which you propose a program to prevent child maltreatment or to ameliorate the consequences of maltreatment (30%), and 3) a 10-12 page research proposal about a question related to child maltreatment based on student interest (40%).

Students are expected to attend class, participate in in-class discussions and assignments, read the assigned readings before coming to class, and complete the 3 papers. Participation will be considered for grades that are on a borderline.

Class Materials (Required)

All assigned readings available on Canvas at no cost

Class Attributes

Prerequisites apply, see description

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must complete Psych 205-0 before taking this course.