Relationship Science (313-0-1)
Eli Finkel
Meeting Info
Technological Institute AUD: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
The primary goal of this course is to provide an overview of scientific research on interpersonal attraction and close relationships. By the end of the course, students should be able to think more deeply about interpersonal relationships, to evaluate media claims more critically, and (ideally) to be better relationship partners.
Teaching Method
Classes meet twice weekly for 80-minute sessions. The course is lecture-based, but it includes time for focused discussion and illustrations of key materials (typically with videos from popular culture).
Evaluation Method
Because this is a large, lecture-based course, student assessment is based primarily on the three midterm exams. There is no final exam for this course.
Class Materials (Required)
Required reading for this course includes one textbook (Bradbury and Karney's Intimate Relationships, 4th edition; ISBN-13: 978-1-324-07072-6) and one trade book (Eli Finkel's The All-Or-Nothing Marriage; ISBN-13: 978-1-101-98434-5).
Class Attributes
Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area