Social and Personality Development (364-0-1)
Alissa Chung
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G01: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
In this class, we will learn about social-emotional development, beginning in infancy and into early adulthood. We will cover topics ranging from the transaction between genes and environment, to attachment, to peer relationships (including bullying and problematic relationships), to gender. While our focus will be on normative or typical development, we will also touch upon the development of individual differences and the ways in which developmental pathways can travel. The class will build upon Psych 205, so you will need a reasonable command of research methods to read the assigned articles and to write your research proposal.
Registration Requirements
Required Prerequisite: Psych 205.
Teaching Method
The course will include lectures, large group discussions, small group work in class, and (if possible, depending on trends in various viruses) an opportunity to observe children. We will be going through both the concepts related to social development and the assigned research articles to understand how it is studied scientifically.
Evaluation Method
Evaluation will include: 1) two 1-2 page summaries of articles that you select related to the topics we are covering in class, 2) a 2 page write-up of observations of preschool children (ideally in person, but otherwise on video), 3) a 4-6 page a paper in which you will describe a fictional character (or a real person) from a movie, television series, documentary, or book of your choosing in accordance with what we have learned about development, and 4) a 10-12 page research proposal on a topic in social emotional development based on student interest.
Class Materials (Required)
All assigned readings to be found on Canvas
Class Attributes
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must complete Psych 205-0 before taking this course.