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Perception (324-0-20)


Satoru Suzuki

Meeting Info

Fisk Hall 217: Tues, Thurs 5:00PM - 6:20PM

Overview of class

We try to understand how brain generates perceptual experiences. We primarily focus on visual perception, but the general principles learned will be applicable to perception through other sensory modalities as well as relevant to internally generated experiences such as cognition. The topics covered will be adaptive to the students' interests. All study materials will be provided as PDF files in Canvas. Class attendance and participation are important.

Teaching Method

lecture, class participation, discussion

Evaluation Method

midterm and final exam, class participation, attendance final paper

Class Materials (Required)

All class materials will be provided as PDF files in Canvas.

Class Attributes

Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline
Interdisciplinary Distro-rules apply
Natural Sciences Distro Area
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Prerequisites apply, see description