Reading and Writing Portuguese (202-0-1)
Ana Thome Williams
3-552 Kresge
Meeting Info
Fisk Hall 114: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
Instruction in reading and writing expository and narrative prose. Emphasis on vocabulary, linguistic skills, and syntax appropriate to formal written Portuguese. Analysis and development of written skills in different types of discourse genres. This course counts toward the Minor in Portuguese.
Registration Requirements
Prerequisite: PORT 115-2, PORT 121-3, or sufficient score on placement examination.
Learning Objectives
To emphasize the development of communicative skills in Portuguese, especially reading and writing.
To offer insights into the history, culture and social aspects of Brazil.
To achieve a high Intermediate language skill level (based upon on the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, 2012)
To develop an active vocabulary appropriate to a High Intermediate level language course.
To further develop fluency and accuracy essential to interaction and communication in Portuguese.
Teaching Method
Class participation
Group work
Listening exercises
Online work
Problem sets
Simulation / role-play
Writing assignments
Class Materials (Required)
Materials available in Canvas.