Introduction to Probability and Statistics (403-0-1)
Gustavo Diaz
Meeting Info
Scott Hall 212: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
This course is designed to teach the basics of single variable calculus, probability, set theory, random variables, and hypothesis testing. The course prepares students for the next class in the statistics sequence: Poli Sci 405, Linear Models. Students must also register for the required Math Prefresher **BEFORE** the quarter starts - contact instructor for details and schedule. Course begins 9/13 on Evanston campus. PS 490 is intended to complement PS 403 using R programming. Students can register separately for PS 490.
Registration Requirements
Attendance at first class required
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, students will be able to
- Define and explain key course concepts including: statistical independence, statistical signifi- cance, substantive significance, random variables, distributions, central limit theorem, among other terms.
- Explain the connection between aspects of distributions in probability and statistical tests (e.g. the distinctions between a sample distribution, sampling distribution of the mean, and what it means for hypothesis testing).
- Conduct and interpret appropriate statistical tests given initial data/a situation.
- Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages to the following statistical tests: one-sample test (t vs z), two-sample tests (t, z for continuous and proportions), ANOVA.
- Load, manipulate and perform statistical tests on data in R.
Evaluation Method
Weekly problem sets
Midterm exam
Final (take-home) exam
Class Materials (Required)
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Graduate Students.