Case Study and Small-N Methods (409-0-20)
James Mahoney
Scott Hall, Room 402, Evanston Campus
Office Hours:
Meeting Info
Scott Hall 212: Fri 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Overview of class
This seminar offers an introduction to small-N and case study methods. In political science, this field is generally known as qualitative methodology. In sociology, this field is generally known as comparative-historical methodology. The course focuses on tools for describing social and political phenomena and for analyzing causal relationships among these phenomena. The course does not consider tools specifically oriented toward interpretive and critical analysis. Nor does the course consider methods of data collection, such as archival research, ethnography, and interview methods. The course focuses on recent methodological writings rather than classical pieces. The readings are not specific to any substantive subfield in political science or sociology. Many of the substantive articles are written by former Northwestern students who have taken this course. The course assumes no prior background in small-N and case study methodology, but the material is advanced and challenging.
Registration Requirements
Political Science and Sociology graduate students only
Attendance at first class required
Teaching Method
Class Materials (Required)
Henry Brady and David Collier, eds., Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards, second ed. (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010). ISBN 978-1-4422-0344-0
Gary Goertz and James Mahoney, A Tale of Two Cultures: Qualitative and Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012). ISBN 9780691149707
Class Notes
Graduate students