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Particle and Nuclear Physics (339-3-1)


Andre Luiz De Gouvea
847467 6462
Technological Institute (2145 Sheridan Road), Room F-325, Evanston

Meeting Info

Technological Institute L168: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

Overview of the questions, principles, and concepts of particle physics, building on the quantum mechanical tools developed in Physics 339-1 and Physics 339-2. Detailed topics include scattering in quantum mechanics, cross sections and decay widths, experimental techniques of particle physics, an introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics, the particles we know: leptons, hadrons, gauge bosons, and the Higgs boson, what we know we don't know.

Class Materials (Required)

"Modern Particle Physics," M. Thomson

Class Materials (Suggested)

"Concepts of Elementary Particle Physics," M.Peskin;
"Particles and Nuclei: An Introduction to the Physical Concepts," Povh, Zetsche, Rith Scholz, Lave;
"Particle Physics: A Comprehensive Introduction," A. Seiden;
"Introduction to Elementary Particles," D. Griffiths.