Introduction to Metaphysics (259-0-20)
Morgan Kelsey Thompson
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-410: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
Metaphysics concerns the structure of reality. It asks questions like: Do entities like electrons and minds exist in the same way as a tree or a water bottle? What distinguishes kinds like H2O and lions from kinds like ‘animals at the Lincoln Park Zoo'? Are race and gender real and in what way? Are groups like the Supreme Court more than a collection of their members? How should we understand claims about possibilities, such as ‘If kangaroos did not have tails, they would fall over'? And how do social structures (that is, social practices, social roles, institutions) cause social outcomes? In this course, we will cover philosophical views on ontology (what exists), fundamental levels of reality, the composition of social groups, natural and social kinds, the nature of race and gender, possibility and necessity, and social structural causation. There will be particular emphasis on social aspects of reality.
Learning Objectives
Clarity in thought and language, especially through writing of complex and abstract subject matters. Ability to assess arguments for validity and to employ basic logical notation. Be able to recognize and understand prescriptive issues, questions and claims, and to distinguish them from descriptive issues, questions, and claims involved in discussing natural and social kinds, including gender and race; Capacity to articulate your own position in debates about levels of reality, composition of social groups, natural and social kinds, the nature of gender and race, possibility and necessity, and social structural causation. Provide reasons for one's own view, anticipate objections, and respond to them. Nuanced and charitable interpretation of texts and views. Open-minded and respectful engagement during class discussion and activities, especially in response to peers' views.
Class Materials (Required)
Class materials must be purchased.
Ney, A. (2023). Metaphysics: an introduction. Routledge. Second Edition.
Class Notes
Final exam in class
Class Attributes
Ethics & Values Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Registration restricted to Undergraduate students only