Topics in Linguistics (300-0-20)
Foreign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice
Patricia Scarampi
1860 Campus Drive, Crowe Hall #2-117
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-343: Mon 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
Foreign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice The course provides a foundation in approaches, methods, and materials for the teaching of French from the perspectives of Second Language Acquisition research. The theoretical background will be applied to the teaching of the four skills such as speaking, listening, reading and writing and the teaching of culture to help students develop their own philosophy of foreign language teaching. Students will acquire the pedagogical tools and metalinguistic awareness that they need to become successful language instructors.
Registration Requirements
Senior and/or 300 level advanced class or consent of instructor
Learning Objectives
For both graduate and undergraduate students: - think critically about current research in Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics - gain an understanding of the current context of second-language teaching - examine the processes involved in learning a second language and its cultures - identify and analyze well designed language learning activities that engage the learners in communicative language learning tasks - develop detailed lesson plans For graduate students: - reflect about themselves as learners and teachers - use the rationale behind current methods and teaching practices to inform their own teaching practice - convey to others a coherent and well-articulated theory based teaching philosophy
Teaching Method
Lecture, discussion and students presentations.
Evaluation Method
Participation, assignments and presentations.
Class Materials (Required)
Brandl, Klaus. (2008) Communicative Language Teaching in Action: Putting Principles to Work. Prentice Hall.