Formal Analysis of Words & Sentences (260-0-20)
Erin M Leddon
2016 Sheridan Rd, Rm. 305
Office Hours: By appt
Meeting Info
Swift Hall 107: Mon, Wed 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
In this class we will explore the formal structure of words (morphology) and sentences (syntax) in natural language. We will analyze data from a variety of languages (including English), focusing on the differences among morphological and syntactic systems, but also on the generalizations that can be made about all languages.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. Create and analyze formal models of the structure of words and sentences, accounting for regularities within and across languages.
2. Communicate arguments about word and sentence structure through graphical formats (tree diagrams), using empirical evidence and logical arguments to back claims.
3. Describe the advantages of applying similar formal constructs to a range of different linguistic structures within and across languages.
4. Explain the overarching questions addressed by the study of syntax and morphology, and describe the research areas targeted by other subfields in linguistics. Define basic terminology in linguistics, syntax, and morphology.
Teaching Method
Lecture, discussion, in-class problem-solving
Evaluation Method
Homework problem sets, quizzes, 2 exams
Class Materials (Required)
Carnie, Andrew. 2021. Syntax: A Generative Introduction (4th edition). Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 99781119569237
Be sure to purchase the 4th edition of the text (e-versions are acceptable as well). Other readings for the course will be made available online."
Class Materials (Suggested)
Class Attributes
Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis
Formal Studies Distro Area