Advanced Research Seminar 1 (398-1-20)
Jesse Yeh
620 Lincoln Street
Jesse Yeh (he /they)
I am an Assistant Professor of Instruction at the Center for Legal Studies. I am a political sociologist with a focus on race and immigration, law and crime, gender and sexuality, and movements and politics. My current book project Crime Is Other People: Punitive Consciousness and the Racial Politics of Law-and-Order explores how liberal and conservative activists make sense of law-and-order politics. I teach courses on research methods, immigration, and race, law, and politics.
Meeting Info
620 Lincoln St #218: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
Legal Studies 398-1 - Professor Yeh
This is the first part of the two-quarter sequence required for all Legal Studies majors. Over the two quarters, students will conduct original research on a topic of their choosing related to law and legal institutions and complete the Legal Studies senior thesis. During the fall quarter, students will become familiar with a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to research in the interdisciplinary field of Legal Studies. Students will also make the necessary progress towards completing their senior thesis.
Registration Requirements
Legal Studies Majors only
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, student should be able to:
- Critically evaluate the argumentation, methodology, use of evidence, strengths, and limitations of existing research
- Summarize and assess bodies of scholarship and situate one's own research within the scholarship
- Generate original research question and design appropriate strategies to answer the question
- Identify the strengths, limitations, and best-practices of quantitative, qualitative, textual, and archival methods
- Execute independent research projects
- Construct a compelling and well-supported argument
- Identify elements of effective writing in the academic article genre
Teaching Method
Project-based learning with seminar-style discussion during class meetings
Evaluation Method
Written assignments
Class Materials (Required)
All material will be posted on Canvas or available through the library at no cost.
Class Notes
Attendance at first class required, no P/NP option
Class Attributes
Advanced Expression